In today’s society, financial emergencies and unexpected expenses can often leave individuals feeling trapped and in need of immediate cash. Emergency funds may be non-existent with the high cost of living just leaving people living paycheque to paycheque. ...
Golding & Associates acts on your behalf as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to help you get your finances back on track. Contact us to find out more today! 902-365-3032 or 902-405-3832 Image: Unsplash Financial stress is no joke — when you’re struggling to get...
The True Cost of Credit Card Debt We all know that if you use a credit card you should pay it off in full each month. However, the reality is that millions of people use their credit cards to finance purchases and repay them over the course of time. The idea of...
GOOD DEBT VERSUS BAD DEBT Not all debt is created equal – and not all debt is bad. In fact, you need some debt to establish a good credit rating. Being a responsible borrower means knowing which types of debt can help you reach your financial goals and which types...
People head off to post-secondary education with high hopes for their future. That education comes with a significant price tag. The average student loan debt upon graduation is stated to be $26,000. In my experience, I regularly see people with significantly more...
All the brightly coloured decorations from Christmas have been put away, but for many people a less than pleasant reminder of Christmas will soon be arriving in the mail – their credit card bill. Some people will be ready to pay the bill off in full when it arrives,...